Boyfriend dungeon characters eric
Boyfriend dungeon characters eric

boyfriend dungeon characters eric

And he's a pretty good-looking guy with a smooth, deep voice.


Hot Teacher: He's the one who advises you on dunjs, how to traverse them and how to properly wield a weapon, specifically a fencing weapon.Isaac even remembers a time when he lashed out against his father and came out of it with a scar, though he insists the injury-part was an accident. Abusive Parents: His father Vincent is overly controlling of him and has no respect for his goals and dreams.He's the one who introduces the player to dunjs. Voiced by: Justice WashingtonA charming and elegant financier. Growing out of this is a key-part of their character-arc. They suffer from crippling social anxiety and the mere mention of things like dates can make them hyper-ventilate. No Social Skills: The main reason they came to Verona Beach.And even the less bold ones don't sound especially timid or anxious. However, some of the dialogue options make them come across more like a Lovable Sex Maniac who's not at all shy about what (or who) they want. Informed Flaw: The MC is repeatedly stated to be very timid and somewhat of a wallflower.Hello, : It's up to you what your character's name is.

boyfriend dungeon characters eric

Hair, clothes, skin-tone, gender, nothing about them is set in stone.

  • Character Customization: The character can look however the player wants them to look like.
  • They can however, as their name suggests, wield weapons with extreme skill and lethality.
  • Badass Normal: The MC is a wielder, meaning unlike most of the population, they are unable to transform into a weapon.
  • Badass Adorable: If you play them as mostly shy and withdrawn, they are this, seeing as their shyness doesn't keep them from venturing into dunjs and hacking monsters to pieces.
  • A socially anxious sweetheart who has moved into their cousin Jesse's old apartment over the summer.Said cousin soon tasks them with clearing the local "dunjs", in order to work on their confidence and meet new people.

    Boyfriend dungeon characters eric